Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Short (and blue dress)
Corto (y vestido azul)

I’ve always loved long hair, and there have been three incidents in my life, one may argue, that unquestionably prove that I’ve never felt good with short hair.
Siempre me ha encantado el pelo largo, y hubo tres incidentes en mi vida, que podrían probar que no, nunca me he sentido bien con el pelo corto.

The incident of 1995 – I went from having waist-length hair to having it chin-length. I hated it.
Incidente de 1995- pasé de tenerlo hasta la cintura a tenerlo a la altura de la barbilla. Lo odiaba.

The incident of 1998 – I finally achieved having full length hair again, but then a friend and I decided to cut our hair a lot, and when I say a lot, I mean a lot. It was the shortest hair I’ve ever had, and at that age (12 years old), besides not having any indication whatsoever to demonstrate one is a girl at first sight, I didn’t have pierced ears. So yes, the way I look at it, I looked like a boy.
Incidente de 1998- Ya lo había logrado tener largo otra vez y una amiga y yo decidimos cortarnos mucho el pelo, y cuando digo mucho es Mucho. Lo más corto que lo he tenido, y a esa edad (12) además de que no hay ninguna indicación de que eres niña a simple vista, yo no tengo perforadas las orejas. Así que sí, a mi parecer parecía niño.

The incident of 2005 – My highschool graduation party was coming up. I had very long hair, but I had dyed my hairtips blue, and they were dry and damaged, so I decided to cut it the day of my graduation. Big mistake. I cried. A lot. (yes, back then I was that ridiculous :p)
Incidente del 2005- Iba a ser mi fiesta de graduación de prepa. Tenía el pelo muy largo, pero me había pintado las puntas de azul y estaban muy maltratadas, así que fui a cortarmelo el día de la graduación. Error. Llore mucho. ( si, en ese entonces era así de ridicula:p)

2011 (no incidents yet) – Today I decided to cut my hair and ignore the three previous incidents.
2011 (sin incidentes aun)- Hoy decidí cortarme el pelo e ignorar los tres incidentes anteriores.

I will put more photos later, where you can really see my haircut and it doesn't look as messy :p
Luego pondré más fotos donde se aprecie más el corte y no sólo se vea una maraña despeinada:p
Dress- pull & bear (thanks so much San!:)
Vestido- pull & bear (¡gracias San!(:)
Shoes - pull & bear
zapatos- pull & bear
bag - stole it from my mom:p
bolsa- se la robe a mi mamá:p
sweater (sueter)- Gap
Little octopus necklace (collar de pulpi) - Cajita de albaricoque (;

I can now say that I like my short hair and would even try cutting it a lot more (;
What would you guys choose long or short?

Ahora puedo decir que me gusta el pelo corto y hasta lo cortaría mucho más(;
¿Ustedes prefieren el pelo largo o corto?
Note from Sandra: I love Carmila’s new hair, but I would like to point out that in my memory Mila’s long hair has a legendary role. When I first met her in the third grade, I didn’t talk to her and to me, she looked pale and serious (a miniature version of one of her serious photographs), and she seemed to me exactly like Lavinia, the girl who combs her hair a lot in the movie ‘A Little Princess’ :p
Nota de Sandra: Me encanta el nuevo pelo de Carmila, pero quiero señalar que en mi memoria el pelo largo de Mila ha tenido un papel legendario. Cuando la conocí por primera vez en tercero de primaria, no hablaba con ella y para mi ella se veía palida y seria (como una version miniatura de una de las fotos donde pone cara seria), y a mí me parecía identical a Lavinia, la niña que se peina mucho el pelo en la película de “La Princesita” :p



  1. I think it looks lovely.
    I'm growing my hair long, I've never been very good at keeping it long though. I always get bored and chop it all off!

  2. I think it looks great! I have cut my hair short a few times and have never really liked it. I prefer my hair loonngg.... though I like to change the color a lot! :)

  3. Your hair looks great! So cute! I am always going in phases were I let my hair grow very long only to then chop it all off!

    Also I wanted to thank you so much for stopping by my blog and checking out our videos! I am glad that you liked them, and Tiny Cracks is one of my absolute favorites!

    Little Lady Little City

  4. Yo también he tenido incidentes traumaticos con el cabello corto, pero como lo tengo rizado decidí siempre usarlo largo,además de que amo hacerme trenzas y peinados raros pero estoy segura que algún día lo cortaré.

    P.D: quiero ver más fotos de tu cabello, se ve que te quedo increíble :)

  5. It looks great! I love shorter hair.

    And I remember A Little Princess! Loved that movie. :)


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